Raigul International®


Aroma Salt Lamps

Raigul International has always championed naturally healthy lifestyle, and for that, Himalayan Aromatherapy Salt Lamps has always been our focus to help you relax by energizing and elevating your mood with their warm glow. The presence of aromatherapy lamps purifies the air with negative ions, and thus provides relievesfrom many respiratory and skin diseases.
Raigul produces versatile range of Aroma Diffusers of varying sizes & shapes, having wooden base & plastic feet. Raigul also embeds stainless-steel oil burners in these diffusers so that you may put your favorite essential oil for a lasting naturally healthy environment.
Our other products in portfolio include Himalayan salt foot detoxifiers, Neti Pots, and Salt Inhalers in bulk quantities. Himalayan salt foot detoxifying dome is great for removing toxins from the body through the feet. Whereas, Himalayan salt inhalers and Neti pots are used for treating breathing problems. Having these products can help with so many health problems. Our natural Himalayan Salt products are best for your health as we develop these by strictly following international quality standards.